Decoease: floor & wall AI, VR logo

Decoease: floor & wall AI, VR

Develop by Shawer
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Helps your customers to see the flooring on their homes by AI

    Seamless shopping
    Visualize products
    Accurate placement
    Informed decisions

    About Decoease: floor & wall AI, VR

    Launched Aug 15, 2024


    Built by Shawer


    Captivate Your Store's Customers by previewing products before making a purchase, Powered by DecoAI!

    make confident choices by seeing products in their space! If you're in the flooring business selling products like parquet, ceramics, or related items, Decoease is for you. It helps customers visualize products seamlessly before purchasing. Using powerful AI, Decoease accurately places selected products onto images of their home's floors, enabling confident, informed decisions. Decoease addresses the challenges customers face in their shopping journey, setting you apart from competitors.

    make confident choices by seeing products in their space! If you're in the flooring business selling products like parquet, ceramics, or related items, Decoease is for you. It helps customers visualize products seamlessly before purchasing. Using powerful AI, Decoease accurately places selected products onto images of their home's floors, enabling confident, informed decisions. Decoease addresses the challenges customers face in their shopping journey, setting you apart from competitors. more
    • Quick and user-friendly for customers
    • Customizable to match your store's language and design
    • 24/7 support to ensure you're never alone on this journey
    • An excellent solution for increasing customer attraction and loyalty

    Introduction Video


    • Helps customers visualize flooring products in their space, leading to confident and informed purchase decisions
    • Uses powerful AI to accurately place selected products onto customers' home images, improving the shopping experience
    • Quick and user-friendly interface makes it accessible for a wide range of customers
    • Customizable to match the store's language and design, providing a tailored user experience
    • 24/7 support available, ensuring assistance is always available for both users and businesses
    • Excellent solution for increasing customer attraction and loyalty by setting the business apart from competitors


    • Dependence on accurate AI performance, which may not always perfectly visualize the selected product
    • Potential technical issues or bugs that could disrupt the user experience and reduce confidence in the app
    • Initial setup and customization might require time and technical expertise from the business

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