Dadao Google Reviews Feed logo

Dadao Google Reviews Feed

Develop by Deep Flow
Free App

Show reviews on Google Search and Google Shopping

Review widget
Google rich snippet
Product feed submission
Show shopping reviews
2 Reviews

About Dadao Google Reviews Feed

Launched Nov 20, 2023


Built by Deep Flow

Email :

[email protected]


深圳市南山区桃园路田厦金牛广场A座3801, Shenzhen, GD, 518000, CN

Website Privacy policy FAQ


Show reviews on Google Search and Google Shopping

When you sell on Google search or Google shopping, review widget shows on your google search result or google shopping gonna help you earn more click. Generate a review feed for your Google right now.

When you sell on Google search or Google shopping, review widget shows on your google search result or google shopping gonna help you earn more click. Generate a review feed for your Google right now. more
  • Generate Google rich snippet for your shop
  • Submit your product feed to Google Shopping
  • Show Google Shopping reviews


  • Helps increase clicks through the review widget shown on Google Search and Google Shopping.
  • Generates a review feed quickly.
  • Assists in generating Google rich snippets for your shop.
  • Facilitates submission of your product feed to Google Shopping.
  • Displays Google Shopping reviews effectively.


  • Description is repetitive and could be more concise.
  • User interface details are not provided in the description.
  • No information about customer support or troubleshooting.

Rating And Reviews


Jan 16, 2024  on Shopify

Purpose of keeping the google review app is amazing. Good to keep this app for reviews for new customers. It promotes my website sales!!!


Nov 23, 2023  on Shopify

This app is very useful, it can generate shopping reviews and import reviews from other channels. I have imported a lot of reviews and displayed them in appropriate places, effectively improving my store conversion rate. If, like me, you want to increase your conversion rate and your Google shopping click-through rate, you can use this software.

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