Manage product visibility based on customers, tags, guest user
Premises # 001 - 35527, DSO-IFZA, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, DU, 341041, AE
Website Privacy policyManage visibility of your products and categories based on individual customers, customer tags and guest users. The app offers 2 types of restrictions to either hide products or add password protection. 1) Hide products: Hide entire product page and show a custom error message or redirect customers to another page when they try to access using direct link. 2) Password protection Instead of hiding product, you can choose to add password protection to let users access product with a password.
Low stock countdown, create scarcity & urgency on product...
Increase Revenue by Sorting & Merchandising collection...
Scroll freely products with infinite scroll to top button...
Accordion Product Tabs to Boost SEO, Traffic and Sales