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  • $35-$175 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
2 Reviews

Crea tus guías de Estafeta para tus envíos Show more

POSTA is a streamlined application designed to enhance the shipping process for Estafeta® account holders. It integrates the Estafeta® shipping calculator directly into your store's checkout, offering competitive shipping costs to your customers without the hassle of manual integration. With POSTA, you no longer need to create each label manually; the app automatically syncs your orders and generates shipping labels with ease. Customers are notified of their tracking numbers automatically, ensuring a seamless experience. Additionally, POSTA allows for both manual and automatic creation of Estafeta® shipping labels and displays estimated delivery timeframes. The app also provides comprehensive reporting features, including the ability to generate reports and download batches of created labels over specific time periods, allowing for efficient tracking and management of your shipments.
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Etiqueta automática
Costo de envío
Integración estafeta
Rastreo automático
Días de entrega
Reportes de etiquetas
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