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Meet Collections Import Export

Free App

Import & export collections in bulk via CSV file

Automated collections
Bulk export-import
Manual collections
Selection conditions
Historical tracking

About Meet Collections Import Export

Launched Jul 19, 2024


Built by Meetanshi Technologies LLP

Email :

[email protected]


305-307, Victoria Prime, Near Water Tank, Kaliyabid, Bhavnagar, GJ, 364002, IN

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Say "bye" to the tedious process of moving collections. The app lets you quickly import collections into another store using a CSV file. It supports both automated and manual collections. Export-import automated collections with selection conditions so that products are auto-assigned. You can choose to import-export assigned products' data for the manual collections.

Say "bye" to the tedious process of moving collections. The app lets you quickly import collections into another store using a CSV file. It supports both automated and manual collections. Export-import automated collections with selection conditions so that products are auto-assigned. You can choose to import-export assigned products' data for the manual collections. more
  • Bulk export & import collections data using CSV file
  • Export automated collections with selective conditions
  • Export manual collections with or without assigned products' data
  • Keep track of historical collection exports & imports


  • Quickly import collections into another store using a CSV file
  • Supports both automated and manual collections
  • Exports automated collections with selection conditions so that products are auto-assigned
  • Allows choosing to import-export assigned products' data for manual collections
  • Bulk export & import collections data using CSV file
  • Keeps track of historical collection exports & imports, aiding in record-keeping


  • The description is repetitive, which may indicate lack of thorough updates or curated content
  • Details on compatibility with different e-commerce platforms are not provided
  • Specifics on how to handle potential errors during import/export process are not mentioned
  • User interface and user experience details are lacking, making it difficult to assess ease of use
  • No information on pricing or free trial availability

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