Collection Manager logo

Collection Manager

Develop by Ozeefy


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3 Days Free Trial

Sort products with advanced automation to boost sales.

Automated inventory sorting
Send sold-out bottom
Manual drag-drop sorting
Sorting schedules

About Collection Manager

Launched Oct 31, 2022


Built by Ozeefy


Sort products with advanced automation to boost sales.

Collection Manager is the simplest way to increase revenue and sales by adjusting the order of products to your specifications. It's no secret that customers take their time browsing collections to find what they need. They begin at the top and work their way down. Collection Manager is an online merchandising tool that organizes collections in order to increase sales.

Collection Manager is the simplest way to increase revenue and sales by adjusting the order of products to your specifications. It's no secret that customers take their time browsing collections to find what they need. They begin at the top and work their way down. Collection Manager is an online merchandising tool that organizes collections in order to increase sales. more
  • Sort products on the basis of higher or lower inventory (Automated)
  • Sort products on the basis of inventory availability of all variants (Automated)
  • Send sold-out products to the bottom (Automated)
  • Manual sorting by drag and drop
  • Sorting Schedules


  • Increases revenue and sales by organizing collections effectively
  • Automated sorting of products based on higher or lower inventory
  • Automated sorting based on inventory availability of all variants
  • Automatically moves sold-out products to the bottom of the list
  • Provides an easy-to-use manual sorting feature with drag-and-drop functionality
  • Offers sorting schedules for timely updates


  • Limited to the functionalities described; may not cater to more complex merchandising needs
  • Automation may not accommodate unique or custom sorting preferences for some users
  • Manual sorting could become time-consuming for large collections
  • No mention of integration with other tools or platforms, potentially limiting its utility in more integrated sales environments
  • Potential issues with automated sorting accuracy, requiring manual intervention

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