Allow your customers to save carts & share with their friends.
Premises # 001 - 35527, DSO-IFZA, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, DU, 341041, AE
Website Privacy policyLoyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...
With the Cart Save and Share App, let your customers login & create their dream wishlist by saving items in their carts & sharing with others. Enhance the shopping experience of your store by allowing customers to save their existing cart and start a new one. Customers can view saved carts from a dedicated page & share carts with friends via email, social media, or a link. Additionally, you can customize the cart button text and color schemes & adjust button alignment as desired.
Slide cart with cart upsell & cross sell, free gift...
Add sticky cart and quick buy icon to get more sales
Show frequently bought together product upsells & cross-sells...