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  • $29.99-$149 / Month
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18 Reviews

Price calculator & visualizer for custom size products Show more

MS Custom SizePrice Calculator is a versatile tool designed for businesses selling customizable products like wallpaper, murals, fabric, carpets, and posters. It simplifies the process of calculating prices based on product dimensions and quantities, ensuring accurate estimates for both store owners and customers. Customers can also visualize the products using their specified dimensions before making a purchase, enhancing their shopping experience. The app is flexible and can be tailored to accommodate the unique needs of different businesses, ensuring seamless integration into any e-commerce platform. Users can set a uniform price for all products or configure unique pricing for individual items, depending on their business requirements. Additionally, the calculator supports customization options such as selecting a default unit, setting prices per unit, and establishing minimum prices. By placing this custom price calculator on product pages, businesses can offer a straightforward, transparent, and engaging purchasing process for their customers.
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Product page integration
Product visualization
Price calculation
Custom dimensions
Height & width input
Unit selection
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