
Based on reviews

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 Apps
  • Free Plan Available
5 Reviews

Offset Carbon. Restore Nature. Plant a Spekboom

Carbon offset
Easy installation
Plant spekboom
Single click contribution
Automatic billing
  • Free Plan Available
4 Reviews

Let your customers carbon offset their orders

Customer offset choice
Tree planting projects
Certificate by mail
Verified offset projects

Offset your carbon footprint by planting 1 tree for every sale

Live tree counter
Tree planting checkout
Personalized assets

Empower your customers to offset carbon emissions at checkout

Conversion rate boost
Climate investment checkout
Impact insights dashboard
Easy impact tracking
Certified projects access
Lower cart abandonment

Enable a carbon neutral checkout, with a single click.

Carbon neutral checkout
Fund climate projects
Small widget integration
Boost brand sustainability
Increase cart conversion
Enhance customer retention

Create positive eco-impact with every sale!

Customer engagement
Impact tracking
Carbon offset integration
Eco-friendly rewards
Sustainability reports
  • Free Plan Available
10 Reviews

Go green with simple carbon offsetting

Easy installation
Customizable prices
Impact reports


App block integration
Co2 emission display
Shipping co2 calculation
Offset purchase
Emission project selection

Compensa as emissões de Carbono geradas pelo frete

Carbon emission compensation
Freight co2 neutral certification
Integration with platforms
Sustainability projects support

Impactful local solutions for global environmental issues

A/b testing
Local solutions
Carbon estimation
Transparent reporting
Climate-positive projects
Attract customers

Neutraliza as emissões de CO2 do frete dos seus produtos

Dashboard monitoring
Carbon offset credits
Emission neutralization
Cost transfer option
Credit balance tracking
Certificate issuance