TI: Business Listing logo

TI: Business Listing


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 3 Days Free Trial

    Let your customers find your all store locations in no time

    Google map integration
    Multiple store addresses
    Individual contact forms
    Customizable front-end display

    About TI: Business Listing

    Launched Oct 27, 2015


    Built by TechInfini Solutions

    Email :

    [email protected]


    402, Airen Heights, Scheme No 54, Indore, MP, 452010, IN

    Website Privacy policy


    App to manage the location and addresses of all your stores and offices & its branches.

    Business Listing with Contact Form provides you options to add multiple store address, Your Users can easily see the list of all your addresses of the store with Google Map Features. This can help to reach out to exact store location and they can also contact to particular store using the Contact Form available for each store. Instead of all these features, you have the flexibility to manage which features you want to display on front-end to your customers.

    Business Listing with Contact Form provides you options to add multiple store address, Your Users can easily see the list of all your addresses of the store with Google Map Features. This can help to reach out to exact store location and they can also contact to particular store using the Contact Form available for each store. Instead of all these features, you have the flexibility to manage which features you want to display on front-end to your customers. more
    • Show location of your all stores on Google Map easily for convenience.
    • List out your all business locations in a single place by Business Listing App.
    • Have a contact form for your every store, and get in touch with your valuable cu


    • Allows adding multiple store addresses
    • Users can easily see the list of all addresses with Google Map features
    • Helps customers reach exact store locations
    • Contact form available for each store for direct communication
    • Flexibility to manage and display features on the front-end
    • Convenient for users to see all store locations in one place


    • App description mentions features multiple times, indicating potential redundancy
    • No information on customization options for the contact form
    • Potentially limited by reliance on Google Maps
    • Unclear whether the app supports international store locations
    • No mention of integration with other business tools or platforms

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