Branding‑NFT logo


Free App

Smoothly adding token gating ability.

Token gating ability
Nft verification
Holder discount

About Branding‑NFT

Launched Oct 26, 2023


Built by 株式会社クロスシー

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Using Branding NFT can give your shop token-gated ability to add NFT verification and discount.

Using Branding NFT can give your shop token-gated ability to add NFT verification and NFT holder discount to your shop. You can add NFT holder verification and NFT holder discount by adding a campaign and set which NFT you want to verify for buying which product in your shop.

Using Branding NFT can give your shop token-gated ability to add NFT verification and NFT holder discount to your shop. You can add NFT holder verification and NFT holder discount by adding a campaign and set which NFT you want to verify for buying which product in your shop. more
  • Token gated ability(using NFT as membership)
  • NFT holder verification
  • NFT holde


  • Provides token-gated ability, allowing shops to use NFTs as membership tokens
  • Enables NFT holder verification, ensuring that only verified NFT holders can access certain products or services
  • Offers NFT holder discounts, providing an incentive for NFT holders to purchase items from the shop
  • Eases the process of adding campaigns and setting up which NFTs to verify for specific products


  • No information on user interface or ease of use in the description
  • Dependency on the overall popularity and understanding of NFTs in the target market
  • Potential technical issues with NFT verification that might require professional support

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