Bestsellr logo


Develop by Shopify


/ Month
30 Days Free Trial

Analysis and promotions to highlight products

Unlimited discount codes
Bestsellers dashboard
Advanced charting
Single-click promotions
Filter by collections
The app is no longer available

About Bestsellr

Launched Sep 14, 2023


Built by Shopify

Zotabox Social Sharing Buttons logo
(618 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

Social Media Icons and Buttons. Increase Your Social Shares...


Find best-selling products quickly. Automatically create promotions for your bestsellers.

Quick overview of best-selling products in the app dashboard. Spend less time finding your best-selling products by using our advanced charting. Create promotional images, add tags, or create discounts for products with a single click. Make sure your best-sellers are visible and distinguishable. Filter top-selling products and variants by collections. Create unlimited price rules and discount codes. Great support 24/7.

Quick overview of best-selling products in the app dashboard. Spend less time finding your best-selling products by using our advanced charting. Create promotional images, add tags, or create discounts for products with a single click. Make sure your best-sellers are visible and distinguishable. Filter top-selling products and variants by collections. Create unlimited price rules and discount codes. Great support 24/7. more
  • Quick overview of bestseller products in the app dashboard.
  • Graphs to visualize products and variants sales.
  • Single click promotional images, tags and discounts.
  • Create unlimited discount codes.


  • Quick overview of best-selling products directly in the dashboard
  • Advanced charting features to analyze product sales efficiently
  • Ability to create promotional images, add tags, and set up discounts with a single click, enhancing marketing efforts
  • Allows filtering of top-selling products and variants by collections, making product management easier
  • Option to create unlimited price rules and discount codes, adding flexibility to pricing strategies
  • 24/7 customer support available to address any issues or queries
  • Graphs to visualize sales of products and their variants


  • Repetitive descriptions in the app features could indicate redundancy or lack of additional unique features
  • No specific mention of integration with other platforms or services, which might be a limitation for some users
  • Lack of detailed customization options for promotional material or analytics reports

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