BEAUBUS Favicons logo

BEAUBUS Favicons

Develop by BEAUBUS
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Add browser tab, bookmarks and search favicon to your store

    Custom favicon
    One-click update
    Cross-browser compatibility

    About BEAUBUS Favicons

    Launched Sep 05, 2023


    Built by BEAUBUS

    Email :

    [email protected]


    samgoris raioni, politsiis I chikhi N5, sartuli 2, N4a, Tbilisi, 0162, GE

    Website Privacy policy


    Select your perfect favicon, browser tab, bookmarks and search listing icon from a set of options.

    An effortless way to personalize your online storefront with a unique favicon chosen from a vast library of cross-browser compatible icons. This powerful tool not only enhances the visual identity of your store, but also makes it easily recognizable and memorable for your customers. The user-friendly design of «BEAUBUS Favicons» allows you to update your favicon with one click, adding an element of professionalism and individuality.

    An effortless way to personalize your online storefront with a unique favicon chosen from a vast library of cross-browser compatible icons. This powerful tool not only enhances the visual identity of your store, but also makes it easily recognizable and memorable for your customers. The user-friendly design of «BEAUBUS Favicons» allows you to update your favicon with one click, adding an element of professionalism and individuality. more
    • Personalize Your Storefront: Choose a favicon from set of custom-made icons
    • User-Friendly Interface: Update favicon with one click.
    • Seamless Integration: Favicons display correctly on all browsers.


    • Personalize Your Storefront: Users can choose a favicon from a set of custom-made icons, helping to enhance the visual identity and uniqueness of their store
    • User-Friendly Interface: The app allows users to update their favicon with a single click, making it easy to use even for non-technical users
    • Seamless Integration: Favicons display correctly on all browsers, ensuring a consistent experience for all customers
    • Enhances Recognizability: The use of a unique favicon makes the store easily recognizable and memorable for customers
    • Professional Appearance: Adding a custom favicon adds an element of professionalism and individuality to the store


    • Limited to Existing Icons: Users may not be able to upload their own icons and are restricted to the library provided by the app
    • Potential for Similar Icons: With a finite library of favicons, there's a possibility of multiple stores using the same icons, reducing the uniqueness
    • No Mention of Customization Options: The description does not specify if users can modify the existing icons or create custom designs
    • User Dependency: The full value of the app depends on the user's ability to choose an appropriate favicon that aligns with their brand identity
    • Potential Browser Compatibility Issues: Although stated as cross-browser compatible, there might still be isolated instances where specific browsers or versions may not display the favicon correctly

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