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avalex legal texts

Develop by avalex GmbH


/ Month
30 Days Free Trial

Automatically secure legal texts for stores.

Constant updates
Automatic legal text
Legal text scan

About avalex legal texts

Launched Feb 22, 2024


Built by avalex GmbH


Automatically secure legal texts for stores. Once installed via app, permanently protected.

Imprint, privacy policy, cancellation policy and terms and conditions. Legal texts created and maintained by lawyers, installed via app and always automatically up to date - including protection against warning costs. Scan your store on the homepage of avalex, we show you potential warning dangers and active web services. After the order, avalex generates custom-fit legal texts for the store from your information. Quickly install the avalex app and you're done.

Imprint, privacy policy, cancellation policy and terms and conditions. Legal texts created and maintained by lawyers, installed via app and always automatically up to date - including protection against warning costs. Scan your store on the homepage of avalex, we show you potential warning dangers and active web services. After the order, avalex generates custom-fit legal texts for the store from your information. Quickly install the avalex app and you're done. more
  • Automatically secure legal texts for your Shopify store
  • Imprint, privacy policy, cancellation policy and terms and conditions
  • Includes protection against warning costs

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