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Showing 1 to 4 of 1 Apps

Rechtssicherheit: Automatische Aktualisierung der Rechtstexte Show more

The IT-Recht AGB-Schnittstelle app is designed to help online retailers avoid costly legal warnings due to incorrect or missing legal texts. By connecting with the IT-Recht Kanzlei through an interface, merchants can ensure that their terms and conditions (AGB & Co.) are always legally compliant and up-to-date. Users can easily configure these legal texts within the app. Once set up, the integration into the online store happens automatically, and the texts are continuously updated to reflect changes in the legal landscape. This app provides peace of mind through legal security, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations without worrying about compliance issues. With its user-friendly configuration and automated updates, it’s an essential tool for any online retailer.
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Abmahnsicherheit garantieren
Automatische aktualisierung
Rechtstexte konfigurieren
Gesetzeskonform bleiben

Met de Paperdork koppelingen automatiseer jij je boekhouding Show more

Paperdork is a seamless integration tool designed to simplify your Shopify store's administration. By connecting your Shopify account to Paperdork, you can effortlessly automate the transfer of webshop data into your administration system. This intuitive plugin allows you to customize how orders are processed, ensuring your bookkeeping aligns with your preferences. With Paperdork, automatically send invoices to your customers directly from your webshop, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, it offers the convenience of generating credit invoices for refunds, streamlining the management of customer returns. Enjoy a smooth, automated experience that saves time and reduces manual errors, keeping your business operations running smoothly.
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Shopify integration
Order processing
Invoice automation
Automate bookkeeping
Refund credit notes

AFAS Profit koppeling voor automatische boekhouding. Show more

AFAS Profit Financieel is een innovatieve app die naadloos essentiële gegevens uitwisselt tussen Shopify en AFAS Profit. Met deze automatische koppeling wordt dubbel werk geëlimineerd, waardoor gebruikers tijd besparen en de kans op fouten aanzienlijk verkleinen. De app automatiseert boekhoudkundige taken, wat leidt tot maximale efficiëntie en tijdsbesparing voor bedrijven. Gebruikers profiteren van real-time inzicht in hun financiën, met de mogelijkheid om direct de cashflow te analyseren en uitgaven te volgen. Dankzij ingebouwde controles worden fouten in financiële rapportages geminimaliseerd, wat leidt tot meer betrouwbare en nauwkeurige financiële gegevens. Kortom, AFAS Profit Financieel is de ideale oplossing voor bedrijven die hun boekhoudprocessen willen stroomlijnen en optimaliseren.
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Gegevensuitwisseling automatisch
Boekhoudtaken automatiseren
Real-time financieel inzicht
Ingebouwde foutcontroles
  • $9-$29 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 3 Days Free Trial

Effortless shipping for small shops without DHL business account. Save time! Show more

DHL QuickShip is a seamless shipping solution designed for new online shop owners who aren't yet DHL business customers. The app streamlines the shipping process by automatically integrating predefined shipping products and order address data into the DHL shopping cart efficiently and accurately. This eliminates the need for manually typing delivery addresses, saving time and reducing errors. QuickShip is tailored for small businesses seeking a straightforward and effective shipping solution, supporting both domestic and international shipments. Users benefit from automatically pre-filled shipping labels, simplifying logistics significantly. Furthermore, the app allows for batch creation of shipping labels for up to 100 packages, including customs documentation, without requiring a DHL business account. Its user-friendly interface and straightforward integration make it an ideal tool for shop owners who use DHL services for global shipping needs.
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Easy integration
Bulk label creation
Auto-filled labels
Pre-set shipping
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