ArtisanApi: Sales Data with AI logo

ArtisanApi: Sales Data with AI

Develop by ArtisanApi


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Easily view and analyze sales data, share it with ChatGPT

    View sales data
    Analyze with ai
    Share with chatgpt

    About ArtisanApi: Sales Data with AI

    Launched Mar 15, 2024


    Built by ArtisanApi

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Namik Kemal Mah. Kutup Yildizi Sk No:4/5, Istanbul, 34762, TR

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Quickly view sales data used by professionals. If you're on ChatGPT Plus, share data directly.

    Don't get lost in complex data! Would you like to quickly view sales data used by professionals on a daily or monthly basis? Moreover, if you have a ChatGPT Plus membership, you can directly share this data with ChatGPT for analysis! You can develop strategies and plans to grow your e-commerce by conversing with ChatGPT. Whether you're a small boutique or a growing e-commerce brand, ArtisanApi provides key analytics to inform your decisions. Save time, manage your business based on data.

    Don't get lost in complex data! Would you like to quickly view sales data used by professionals on a daily or monthly basis? Moreover, if you have a ChatGPT Plus membership, you can directly share this data with ChatGPT for analysis! You can develop strategies and plans to grow your e-commerce by conversing with ChatGPT. Whether you're a small boutique or a growing e-commerce brand, ArtisanApi provides key analytics to inform your decisions. Save time, manage your business based on data. more
    • Quickly and easily access e-commerce metrics used by e-commerce professionals.
    • If you have a ChatGPT Plus subscription, you can pass data directly with ChatGPT
    • Increase your sales with data-based e-commerce management.

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