AppSections ‑ Theme Builder logo

AppSections ‑ Theme Builder

Develop by BlockLoads
Free App

Unlimited customizable designs directly in your theme editor.

Global styles
Weekly updates
Landing pages
Visual builder
Pre-built components
Pre-built sections
Mobile design

About AppSections ‑ Theme Builder

Launched Aug 16, 2024


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Unlimited customizable designs directly in your theme editor, without coding.

Create beautiful and powerful Shopify stores with pre-built sections, templates, blocks and brand styles on the AppSections app. Easily customize your store with a Liquid-based visual builder, integrated directly into the Shopify theme editor. Enjoy infinite flexibility to modify sections, manage global styles and create stunning product and landing pages without coding. Access the largest marketplace of pre-built components to enrich your site. Regular updates guarantee seamless optimization.

Create beautiful and powerful Shopify stores with pre-built sections, templates, blocks and brand styles on the AppSections app. Easily customize your store with a Liquid-based visual builder, integrated directly into the Shopify theme editor. Enjoy infinite flexibility to modify sections, manage global styles and create stunning product and landing pages without coding. Access the largest marketplace of pre-built components to enrich your site. Regular updates guarantee seamless optimization. more
  • Create flexible, faster and stronger designs with AppSections.
  • Define global brand styles: colors, fonts, icons, shapes, animations, shadows...
  • Customize your store: spacing, color, size, positioning, interactions, SEO...
  • Design for mobile first: manage mobile and desktop visuals independently.
  • Receive weekly releases and updates in your library.


  • Unlimited customizable designs directly in your theme editor
  • Create beautiful and powerful Shopify stores with pre-built sections, templates, blocks, and brand styles
  • Easily customize your store with a Liquid-based visual builder integrated directly into the Shopify theme editor
  • Infinite flexibility to modify sections and manage global styles
  • Create stunning product and landing pages without coding
  • Access the largest marketplace of pre-built components to enrich your site
  • Regular updates guarantee seamless optimization
  • Define global brand styles: colors, fonts, icons, shapes, animations, shadows
  • Customize your store's spacing, color, size, positioning, interactions, and SEO
  • Design for mobile first: manage mobile and desktop visuals independently
  • Receive weekly releases and updates in your library


  • Potential complexity for users unfamiliar with web design or the Liquid-based system
  • Reliance on regular updates may require frequent theme adjustments
  • Limited offline support; requires internet connection for most functionalities
  • Some users may find the initial setup and learning curve steep

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