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Apploy ‑ Mobile App Builder Deals

Develop by toolstr


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"Easily convert your website into a powerful app with Apploy."

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About Apploy ‑ Mobile App Builder

Launched Feb 06, 2025


Built by toolstr


All the powers of a Mobile App without the hassle of managing another sales channel.

Apploy ‑ Mobile App Builder transforms your mobile website into a powerful Mobile App and PWA effortlessly, maintaining your website as the single source of truth and leveraging push notifications for increased customer engagement.

  • Quick Deployment: Go live with your app in 7 days or less, ensuring swift time-to-market.
  • High Engagement: Achieve 85%+ open rates with effective push notifications.
  • Compatibility: Built-in support for all third-party apps on your store ensures seamless integration.
  • White Glove Support: Comprehensive support is provided to streamline every aspect of your app strategy.

The app's outstanding advantages include seamless and professional service, evidenced by exceptional user experiences. Customers highly praise the dedicated support, especially from Rajat, who ensures the app is perfectly tailored to individual business needs. The reviews reflect high satisfaction with the app's setup process, integration, and the impressive visibility boost for Shopify stores. Users commend the team's unwavering assistance and dedication to delivering top-notch app development services.


  • Effortlessly converts a mobile website into a mobile app.
  • No need to manage content on multiple platforms as the website remains the source of truth.
  • Offers powerful push notifications for engaging customers with personalized promotions and campaigns.
  • App syncs with the website in real-time and optimizes the theme automatically.
  • Capability to recover abandoned carts with time-based automated notifications.
  • Unlimited promotional push notifications enhance customer excitement.
  • Includes features for analyzing customer behavior to build smarter campaigns.
  • Provides white glove support for app strategy assistance.


  • May not offer full customization options compared to a natively developed app.
  • Dependent on the existing mobile website structure and quality.
  • Limited information on pricing and potential additional costs.
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