Showing 1 to 20 of 1 Apps
  • $9.99-$29.99 / Month
20 Reviews

Kargo Takip Kodu & Kapıda Ödeme & Kargo Etiketi & Entegrasyon

Kapıda ödeme
Kargo takip kodu
Otomatik arşiv
Email ve sms
Toplu etiket
Otomatik kargo seçimi

Tek Tuşla E-Fatura Oluşturun. eArşiv ve eFatura Entegrasyonu Show more

E-Fatura Entegrasyonu, Shopify mağaza sahipleri için sipariş sonrası fatura kesmeyi kolaylaştıran bir uygulamadır. Kullanıcılar, siparişlerdeki Vergi Kimlik Numarası (VKN) veya T.C. Kimlik Numarası (TCKN) doğrulaması sayesinde kurumsal faturalar düzenleyebilirler. Uygulama, kesilen faturaların e-posta yoluyla müşterilere otomatik olarak gönderilmesini sağlar ve Fatura İptal düğmesi ile hızlı iptaller gerçekleştirilir. Birden fazla özel e-fatura sağlayıcısı ile entegrasyon yeteneği sunarak, kullanıcıların Logo veya Shopify gibi farklı şirketlerden hizmet alabilmesine imkan tanır. Kullanımı kolay olan bu uygulama, kesilen faturaların bilgisayara indirilmesine de olanak tanır. Fatura işlemlerini tek tuşla yönetme avantajı, mağaza sahiplerinin iş süreçlerini hızlandırır ve verimlilik kazandırır.
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Email invoices
Invoice cancellation
One-click invoicing
Tax id check
Multiple e-invoice providers
  • $1-$50 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
3 Reviews

APIEase - Secure External API Integration From Your Store Show more

APIEase - Safe API Integration is a robust solution for making secure API calls directly from your Custom Liquid content or Webhooks without the need to develop an entire application. This app allows you to execute HTTP methods such as GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, and OPTIONS, making it versatile for various integration needs. APIEase securely stores your confidential parameters, ensuring your sensitive information is protected and not exposed in the storefront. It provides a seamless way to make customer-initiated HTTP API calls, eliminating the hassle of searching for specific webhooks. The app supports integration with external APIs, including the Facebook Graph API via Meta API, expanding your store's functionality. Enhance your web presence with interactive HTML content through third-party API integration, all while maintaining strict security with APIEase.
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Custom api integration
Secure api calls
Supports http methods
Custom liquid support
Store api credentials securely
Customer initiated api calls

Translate product listing using Deepl or Google translate API. Show more

Translify is a cutting-edge translation app designed to seamlessly convert English product descriptions into your local language. Ideal for e-commerce merchants importing products from major platforms like Aliexpress and Banggood, this app ensures that product titles, descriptions, and image alt attributes are fully translated. It also enhances SEO capabilities by translating the meta title and description fields, thus optimizing your store's visibility and appeal to local markets. With integration of top-tier translation engines like Deepl and Google Translate, Translify guarantees accurate and high-quality translation results. Save time and streamline your store's localization process with automatic translations, ensuring your product details resonate with your target audience. Plus, easily organize your translated products with tagging options for a smoother management experience.
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Product tagging
Automatic translation
Translate titles
Translate descriptions
Translate image alt
Seo metafields
  • $14.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
187 Reviews

Track & sync multiple Facebook pixel, Conversion api iOS 14 Show more

Pixelio FB Facebook Pixel is a powerful app designed to simplify the integration and management of Facebook pixels for your online store, requiring no coding skills whatsoever. With Pixelio, you can effortlessly install the Facebook (Meta) pixel onto your store, enabling you to track and sync multiple pixel events. This results in enhanced data collection that facilitates optimization for increased conversions. The app works seamlessly with all Shopify themes, ensuring you capture every sale, even those occurring outside Shopify's ecosystem. Offering the ability to add unlimited Meta and Facebook Pixel IDs, Pixelio also provides backup options for comprehensive traffic tracking. Moreover, Pixelio is equipped to manage conversion tracking on Apple devices through the iOS 14 Conversion API, allowing for accurate data collection and ad performance analysis on both Facebook and Instagram.
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Multiple facebook pixels
No-coding installation
Meta pixel integration
Multi-event tracking
Shopify theme compatibility
Unlimited pixels & ids
  • $7.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
350 Reviews

Facebook Multiple Pixels - Conversions API Tracking Show more

Facebook Pixel & API ‑ FBTrack is an essential app for online stores seeking to enhance their tracking capabilities post-iOS 14.5 updates. This app integrates seamlessly with Facebook Pixels and Conversions API, effectively solving tracking challenges caused by recent privacy changes and ad blockers. It allows you to install unlimited backup and collection pixels, ensuring comprehensive and reliable event tracking through both browser and server-side channels. By eliminating duplicate events, FBTrack ensures high-quality data for retargeting, optimization, and attribution, which maximizes your profitability. The app offers easy, intuitive management of your Facebook pixels, complete with in-app guides for quick setup. With FBTrack, experience fast and accurate reporting, ensuring you never miss a sale due to tracking limitations.
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Multiple pixels
Accurate reporting
Intuitive management
Server-side events
Unlimited apis
Ios 14.5+ solution

Quick and accurate tracking for Facebook Conversions API. Show more

Conversios Meta Conversion API is an innovative platform designed to elevate the performance of your Facebook Ads campaigns through seamless integration of Facebook Pixel and Conversions API (CAPI). The app provides an intuitive interface that simplifies the management of both tools, ensuring accurate tracking of key events and driving maximum effectiveness for your advertising efforts. With its deep attribution insights, Conversios enables you to build dynamic remarketing audiences, allowing for highly targeted messaging to potential customers. The platform's robust CAPI integration minimizes tracking issues, even in environments with limited browser cookies, ensuring reliable capture and attribution of conversions. By offering comprehensive event data insights, Conversios empowers marketers with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and optimize campaign strategies. Overall, it is an essential tool for businesses looking to enhance the precision and impact of their Facebook Ads.
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Intuitive interface
Dynamic remarketing
Unified pixel tracking
Seamless capi integration
Key event tracking
Deep attribution insights
  • $9.99-$29.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
7 Reviews

Kargo Takip Kodu & Kapıda Ödeme & Kargo Etiketi & Entegrasyon Show more

Aras Kargo Shopify Entegrasyon uygulaması, e-ticaret platformunuzdaki sipariş sonrası kargo süreçlerini büyük ölçüde kolaylaştırır ve otomatik hale getirir. Sipariş verildikten sonra, Aras Kargo sisteminden alınan Kargo Takip Kodu, müşteri sipariş detaylarına eklenir ve müşteri, bu bilgilerle email ve SMS aracılığıyla bilgilendirilir. Teslimat gerçekleştiğinde, sipariş otomatik olarak arşivlenir, böylece süreç yönetimi daha düzenli hale gelir. Gönderici ödemeli ve Kapıda Ödemeli seçenekleri desteği ile birlikte, özellikle Tahsilatlı Kargolar için, sipariş toplamından alınan tutarın kapıda ödenmesi sağlanır. Tüm bu işlemler için kullanıcıların Aras Kargo API bilgilerine sahip olması gerekiyor. Toplu etiket basımı ve otomatik kargo seçimi gibi özellikler, kargo işlemlerinizin daha hızlı ve etkin bir şekilde yönetilmesini sağlar.
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Cash on delivery
Email and sms notifications
Automated tracking code
Automatic order archiving
Bulk labels
Shipping invoice
  • $9.99-$29.99 / Month
20 Reviews

Kargo Takip Kodu & Kapıda Ödeme & Kargo Etiketi & Entegrasyon

Kapıda ödeme
Kargo takip kodu
Otomatik arşiv
Email ve sms
Toplu etiket
Otomatik kargo seçimi
  • $9.99-$29.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
6 Reviews

Kargo Takip Kodu & Kapıda Ödeme & Kargo Etiketi & Entegrasyon Show more

MNG Kargo Shopify Entegrasyon uygulaması, e-ticaret işinizi daha verimli hale getirerek sipariş sonrası kargo süreçlerini otomatikleştirir. Bu uygulama, kargo takip kodunu MNG Kargo sisteminden alır ve sipariş detaylarına ekler, böylece hem sizin hem de müşterilerinizin kolayca erişmesine olanak sağlar. Müşterileriniz, kargoları ile ilgili bilgi aldıklarında otomatik olarak email ve SMS bildirimleri alarak her adımda bilgilendirilir. Ürünleriniz teslim edildiğinde siparişler otomatik olarak arşivlenir, bu da envanter ve kayıt yönetimini kolaylaştırır. Kapıda ödeme seçeneği sunan işletmeler için, uygulama kargo ücretlerini sipariş toplamından alır. Gerektiğinde, toplu etiket ve sevk irsaliyesi basımı ile tüm kargolarınızın barkodunu aynı anda elde edebilirsiniz. MNG Kargo API bilgileri ile çalışmak üzere tasarlanmış bu çözüm, gönderici ödemeli ve kapıda ödemeli kargo türlerini destekler.
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Bulk label printing
Email/sms notifications
Cash on delivery
Auto tracking integration
Automated archiving
  • $9.99-$19.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
3 Reviews

Trendyol ile Ürünlerinizin Stok ve Fiyatlarını Entegre Eder Show more

Trendyol Entegrasyonu uygulaması, Shopify mağazanızdaki ürünlerin stok ve fiyatlarını Trendyol mağazanızla senkronize ederek işlerinizi kolaylaştırır. Kullanımı son derece basit olan bu uygulama, yalnızca bir kez ürünlerinizle Trendyol üzerindeki ürünleri eşleştirmenizi gerektirir. Sürekli çalışan stok ve fiyat güncellemesi sayesinde, sipariş alındığında veya stok durumu değiştiğinde Trendyol'daki ürün bilgileriniz anında güncellenir. Yeni ürün ekleme işlemi yapmayan uygulama, sadece Trendyol'daki mevcut ürünleriniz üzerinde çalışır. Kritik stok özelliği sayesinde stoğunuzun tükenmesini engelleyerek satış kaybını önler. Ayrıca, fiyat düzenleme özelliği sayesinde Trendyol üzerindeki fiyatlarınızı kolaylıkla değiştirebilirsiniz, böylece esnek fiyatlandırma yapabilirsiniz. Trendyol siparişlerini Shopify mağazanıza aktarma olanağı da sunarak iş süreçlerinizi daha da optimize eder.
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Easy installation
Order import
Stock synchronization
Price adjustment
Price synchronization
Stock threshold
  • $140-$820 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Tek panelden tüm e-ticaret aşamalarını yönetin Show more

Sentos Entegrasyonu, pazaryeri, e-ticaret ve fiziksel mağazalarınızı tek bir ekran üzerinden tamamen entegre biçimde yönetebilmenizi sağlayan kapsamlı bir uygulamadır. Bu uygulama ile ERP, E-fatura, kargo ve sosyal medya entegrasyonlarını tek panel üzerinden ekleyerek yönetim süreçlerinizde çoklu kontrol sunmaktadır. Ürün, stok ve sipariş yönetimi gibi temel işlevlerin yanı sıra, Excel ve toplu işlemlerle çalışarak zamandan tasarruf etmenizi sağlar. Rekabet analizi yaparak pazar dinamiklerini daha iyi anlamanıza imkan tanır. Döviz ve altın kuru değişikliklerine entegre satışlar ile uluslararası ticaretinizi kolaylaştırır. Ayrıca, pazaryeri müşteri sorularını hızlıca cevaplayarak müşteri memnuniyetini artırmanızda yardımcı olur. Sentos Entegrasyonu, işletmenizi hem dijital hem de fiziksel alanda büyütmek için ideal bir çözümdür.
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Ürün yönetimi
Stok yönetimi
Sipariş yönetimi
Excel entegrasyonu
Toplu İşlemler
Rekabet analizi

Bir tıkla scotty gönderilerinizi oluşturun Show more

Scotty Kargo Eklentisi, Shopify kullanıcıları için tasarlanmış, Scotty kargo hizmetlerini basit bir şekilde entegre eden bir uygulamadır. Kullanıcılara kargo süreçlerini optimize etme olanağı sağlar ve tek bir tıklama ile gönderi oluşturma imkanı tanır. Bu eklenti sayesinde toplu gönderi oluşturabilir, bir seferde 50'ye kadar gönderi işlemi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. Kullanıcılar gönderilerinin durumunu anlık olarak kontrol edebilir, takip edebilir ve yönetebilir. Ayrıca, etikete ihtiyaç duyduğunuzda, gönderilerinizin etiketlerini kolayca indirme kolaylığı sunar. Scotty Kargo Eklentisi, özellikle e-ticaret işlemlerindeki lojistik yönetimini daha verimli hale getirerek zamandan tasarruf etmenize olanak tanır. Shopify mağazanız için bu eklenti, operasyonel süreçlerinizi hızlandırmak ve müşteri memnuniyetini artırmak için ideal bir çözümdür.
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Easy integration
Shipment status tracking
Batch shipment creation
Label downloads
  • $9.9-$29.9 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
232 Reviews

Track Multipixel, Google Ads Conversion & Conversions API Show more

OnePixel is a powerful tool designed to enhance your advertising strategy by providing precise pixel tracking. It enables you to set up, install, and manage multiple pixels seamlessly across platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Google, Snapchat, Twitter, Microsoft, and Pinterest. OnePixel's conversion-API tracking allows you to bypass obstacles such as iOS 14 restrictions and ad blockers, ensuring you capture all essential data. This feature-rich app helps you maximize your return on ad spend (ROAS) by enabling highly-targeted ad campaigns and creating segmented Facebook ad audience lists instantly. You can add multiple pixels to your website effortlessly without needing to code or connect accounts. Additionally, OnePixel allows easy switching between product and variant IDs, optimizing event tracking for improved ad performance. Track a range of events, including ViewContent, AddToCart, AddPaymentInfo, Checkout, and Purchase, to fine-tune your advertising efforts effectively.
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Event tracking
Segmented audience lists
Multiple pixel management
Bypass ios 14
Web pixel extension
  • $8.99-$38.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
907 Reviews

Track TikTok Pixel, Facebook Pixel, Conversion API, Multipixel Show more

Trackify is a powerful Shopify app designed to enhance your social media marketing efforts on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. By leveraging advanced tools like Conversion API, Server Side Tracking, UTMs, TikTok Pixel, and Facebook Pixel events, it provides in-depth insights into customer behavior. This reliable data helps marketers make better decisions through detailed analytics, enabling the creation of custom lookalike and retargeting audiences using robust Shopify data. Trackify also streamlines catalog management with automated feeds, ensuring seamless integration with multiple ad platforms. You can easily add and manage multiple Pixels, tailor custom audiences based on niche and activity, and benefit from real-time event tracking for optimized marketing strategies. With its advanced tracking features, Trackify equips businesses to target audiences more precisely and boost campaign performance significantly.
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Detailed analytics
Real-time tracking
Custom audiences
Track customer behavior
Automated feeds
  • $9.95 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
47 Reviews

Skyrocket your Ads with Multi Pinterest Tags & Conversion API Show more

Omega - Multi Pinterest Pixels is an innovative app designed to streamline the integration of Pinterest pixels and tags into your online store with just a few clicks. This tool allows for immediate transmission of conversion data back to Pinterest, providing you with a precise understanding of your advertising performance. By offering reliable event collection features, it empowers you to make informed decisions about which ads to scale up or discontinue, eliminating the guesswork from your marketing strategy. The app automatically tracks a variety of e-commerce events, from PageView to Purchase, in real time. You can also assign specific pixels to monitor different pages, collections, tags, or even your entire site. Whether you're an e-commerce novice or a marketing expert, Omega makes it easier than ever to optimize your Pinterest ad campaigns and drive success.
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Real-time data
Auto-tracked events
Multiple pixel tags
Flexible tag assignment
  • $14.99-$24.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
149 Reviews

Setup Meta Pixel, Multi Pixel, Conversion API & UTM tracking Show more

Orichi: Tiktok Facebook Pixels is a powerful tool designed to enhance your online advertising efforts by ensuring the accuracy of data collection and avoiding spam events. By integrating server-side event tracking with Facebook Pixel Conversion API and Tiktok Pixels Events API, the app effectively bypasses ad blockers, ensuring your marketing data is both robust and accurate. This seamless connection enables advertisers to optimize ad targeting and gain better insights into the results, even in the challenging landscape of iOS 14+ updates and ad block scenarios. Orichi offers the flexibility to add and manage multiple pixels, making it ideal for niche targeting and maintaining backups. The app supports both Facebook and Tiktok pixels, ensuring comprehensive tracking across platforms. Additionally, users can access real-time UTM attribution reports, providing precise tracking data essential for effective reporting and decision-making in advertising strategies.
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Server-side tracking
Conversion api integration
Real-time data
Accurate event tracking
Multiple pixel management
Avoid spam events
  • $99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
66 Reviews

Sync multi pixels conversion api & track profit calculator Show more

Zoex: Facebook Pixel & Profit is your go-to app for optimizing marketing performance and boosting profitability. By seamlessly syncing Facebook and TikTok pixels, as well as utilizing first-party UTM attribution, Zoex enables precise tracking of your marketing efforts across all channels. The app's marketing-focused analytics provide insights into which ads, products, and channels deliver the best ROI, helping you make data-driven decisions. With acquisition costs rising, Zoex ensures you maximize every advertising dollar spent. Additionally, the app's intuitive profit calculator offers a clear view of your profitability, while the integration of conversion API enhances the accuracy of ad tracking and reports. With real-time audience insights and a focus on key performance indicators, Zoex empowers you to refine your sales strategy and achieve higher Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).
Show less
Utm attribution
Conversion api
Data analysis
Profit calculator
Pixel sync

Facebook Ads & Multi Pixel Tracker With Conversion API Support Show more

Zotek Facebook Pixel is a powerful tool designed to simplify the management of multiple Facebook (Meta) pixels and enhance your advertising performance. By utilizing Conversion API, it effectively bypasses the restrictions imposed by IOS 14, ensuring you have access to accurate and comprehensive data. The app seamlessly integrates with Shopify, offering advanced customer event insights without the need for coding. With real-time updates and visually presented graphs and funnels, you can quickly optimize your Facebook ad campaigns. Zotek enables you to enhance your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) using detailed UTM parameters and Ads Campaign insights. Its unique features include one-step integration for unlimited Facebook pixels, effective event tracking (such as page views and purchases), and the ability to create multiple pixels tailored to your store's needs.
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Real-time updates
No-code setup
Event tracking
Utm attribution
Multiple pixel integration
Conversion api support

Facebook Pixels with Conversion API & Server-Side Tracking Show more

Nabu: Facebook Pixel Tracking is a powerful app designed to streamline and enhance your digital marketing efforts by allowing the installation of multiple Facebook, Meta, and Instagram Pixels without any errors or the need for manual theme alterations. This app addresses conversion tracking challenges by utilizing server-side event tracking via the Conversion API, effectively bypassing limitations imposed by iOS 14. It offers advanced matching capabilities for safer and more precise ad targeting, ensuring your marketing strategies are both effective and efficient. Nabu tracks crucial Facebook events, such as purchases, add to cart, and begin checkout, providing detailed analytics for each pixel and event to help refine your advertising approach. The app’s seamless one-click setup eradicates the need for manual code changes, offering a user-friendly solution for businesses seeking accurate conversion tracking and comprehensive event analytics. With Nabu, you gain unlimited access to Facebook or Meta Pixels and unlimited conversion tracking, making it an essential tool for optimizing your social media advertising campaigns.
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Server-side tracking
Multiple pixels installation
Ios 14 bypass
Detailed event analytics
Easy 1-click setup
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