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Almanara Shipping

Free App

Streamline Global Shipping from Turkey with Instant Rates

Global shipping rates
Instant shipping calculations
Shipping label generation
Integration with major carriers

About Almanara Shipping

Launched May 17, 2024




- Global Shipping Rates: Access competitive shipping rates for shipments from Turkey to any country across the globe. - Instant Shipping Calculations: Obtain shipping quotes instantly, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your shipping costs. - Shipping Label Generation: Effortlessly create shipping labels right from your Shopify dashboard, streamlining your fulfillment process. - Integration with Major Carriers: Seamlessly connect with renowned global carriers such as FedEx,UPS...etc

- Global Shipping Rates: Access competitive shipping rates for shipments from Turkey to any country across the globe. - Instant Shipping Calculations: Obtain shipping quotes instantly, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your shipping costs. - Shipping Label Generation: Effortlessly create shipping labels right from your Shopify dashboard, streamlining your fulfillment process. - Integration with Major Carriers: Seamlessly connect with renowned global carriers such as FedEx,UPS...etc more
  • Global Shipping Rates: Access competitive shipping rates for shipments
  • Instant Shipping Calculations
  • Shipping Label Generation
  • Integration with Major Carriers


  • Access to competitive global shipping rates
  • Instant shipping calculations for transparency and accuracy
  • Streamlined shipping label generation directly from Shopify dashboard
  • Seamless integration with major global carriers like FedEx and UPS


  • Limited to shipments originating from Turkey
  • Limited information on customer support or assistance
  • Potential dependency on carrier integrations which may affect performance
  • Repeated content in the app description, which may indicate lack of detailed features

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