Auto-assign order tags for efficient order management.
Premises # 001 - 35527, DSO-IFZA, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, DU, 341041, AE
Website Privacy policyOrder Tags offers a simple solution for organizing & managing orders through automated tagging and rule creation. You can create new order tags and auto-apply them to orders based on rules. These rules can be created for multiple conditions, including order quantity, amount, products, categories, etc. If an order meets a certain condition, the tag is auto-applied (can be single or multiple tags for an order). This helps categorize orders in the right groups, saving time in manual tagging.
Creates and tracks DPD Shipments (20 countries supported)
Bulk edit, automate, validate. Reduce overhead managing...
Auto tag with order tag, customer tag, bulk tag, backdate...
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