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Apps by Shadow Tech PTE LTD

Personalize your store with trust badges and more widget Show more

Shadow Tech ‑ Checkout Booster is a versatile app designed to enhance your eCommerce store with customizable widgets and badges. By integrating these badges, you can effectively showcase key product features and build customer trust, motivating more purchases. The app offers a variety of trust badges, including customizable payment icons, to reassure customers about secure transactions. It also provides an expansive array of icons to highlight product specifics, making important details stand out effortlessly. Additionally, Shadow Tech includes an event banner feature, allowing you to easily set up image-based promotions for special store events. With its user-friendly configuration, this app serves as a powerful tool to boost your store's checkout rates and overall customer engagement.
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Customizable widgets
Trust badges
Product highlights
Event banner

Adding trust badges and more widgets on the product page to enhance the purchase rate.

Easily configure and add various badges in the form of widgets, with multiple customizable options. By these badges, you can highlight the features of your products, enhance customer trust, and motivate your customers to make a purchase.

Easily configure and add various badges in the form of widgets, with multiple customizable options. By these badges, you can highlight the features of your products, enhance customer trust, and motivate your customers to make a purchase. more
  • Trust Badges: Customizable payment icons to enhance customer trust.
  • Product Highlights: A vast selection of icons is available to select.
  • Event Banner: Setting any image to promote your store's events.
Shadow Tech ‑ Checkout Booster logo
  • Free Plan Available

Personalize your store with trust badges and more widget

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