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Apps by Sage AI

  • $49-$199 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial

Meet TomBot, Your New Best Bud

Answer questions
Instant communication
Avoid abandoned carts
Capture buyer intent

# How it works TomBot is an easy-to-use smart bot assistant designed for e-commerce web shops. Using TomBot you can instantly answer questions, provide customer service, capture buyer intent, and avoid abandoned carts. TomBot's value-add to the customer is paramount to building state-of-the-art shopping experiences for online consumers today. The main benefits of TomBot are: 1. Instant communications with your brand 2. Address problems and answer questions in a snap 3. Give customers an...

# How it works TomBot is an easy-to-use smart bot assistant designed for e-commerce web shops. Using TomBot you can instantly answer questions, provide customer service, capture buyer intent, and avoid abandoned carts. TomBot's value-add to the customer is paramount to building state-of-the-art shopping experiences for online consumers today. The main benefits of TomBot are: 1. Instant communications with your brand 2. Address problems and answer questions in a snap 3. Give customers an... more
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$49-$199 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Meet TomBot, Your New Best Bud