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Apps by Ryan Alyea

  • $10-$30 / Month
  • 60 Days Free Trial
31 Reviews

Custom reports, vendor payouts, cost tracking, and more!

Custom reports
Vendor payouts
Cost tracking
Searchable reports
Emailable reports

DeepMine provides searchable, emailable, detailed reports for orders and product sales.

DeepMine helps you by sifting, sorting, summing, searching all your orders to provide a clean table and graph of top products, variants, and options. Look at all products, your popular variants of a product, or the options of a product. With a few clicks, you can find out that the green shirt is popular among the smalls and the black shirt is popular among the 3Xs. DeepMine also contains functionality to calculate royalties for your artists and partners and send email reports.

DeepMine helps you by sifting, sorting, summing, searching all your orders to provide a clean table and graph of top products, variants, and options. Look at all products, your popular variants of a product, or the options of a product. With a few clicks, you can find out that the green shirt is popular among the smalls and the black shirt is popular among the 3Xs. DeepMine also contains functionality to calculate royalties for your artists and partners and send email reports. more
  • Get a high level look at top products.
  • Customize by SKU, POS location, vendor, discount code and more.
  • Setup reports to email on a regular basis.
  • Setup reports to pay a partner a piece of your sales.
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(31 Reviews)
$10-$30 / Month
  • 60 Days Free Trial

Custom reports, vendor payouts, cost tracking, and more!

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