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Apps by PriceMole

  • $99-$499 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
60 Reviews

Competitor Price Tracking, Dynamic Pricing & Automated Pricing Show more

PriceMole is the premier solution for eCommerce businesses aiming to stay ahead with competitor price monitoring and tracking. By automating the often tedious task of checking competitor prices, PriceMole saves users countless hours and helps increase profits by over 20%. This app provides powerful features like dynamic repricing strategies, historical analytics, and comprehensive order and revenue reports to maximize sales opportunities. A unique competitor price comparison widget can be added to your website to enhance shopper confidence and increase conversion rates. PriceMole ensures all your data remains yours, allowing you to download it anytime. With an all-inclusive pricing model, there are no hidden fees, and our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you. Take control of your pricing strategy with PriceMole and stay a step ahead in the competitive eCommerce landscape.
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Dynamic pricing
Revenue reports
Automated pricing
Competitor price tracking
Historical analytics
Price comparison widget

Automated Competitor Price Monitoring and Customizable Repricing Strategies with Actionable Insights

PriceMole - the ultimate competitor price monitoring and price tracking solution for eCommerce. With automation, save hundreds of hours manually checking competitor prices. Boost profits by optimizing prices at the right time and using historical analytics. Empower shopper's confidence with a competitor price comparison widget. PriceMole believes all your data belongs to you - download it anytime! Our Team is here to support you 24/7.

PriceMole - the ultimate competitor price monitoring and price tracking solution for eCommerce. With automation, save hundreds of hours manually checking competitor prices. Boost profits by optimizing prices at the right time and using historical analytics. Empower shopper's confidence with a competitor price comparison widget. PriceMole believes all your data belongs to you - download it anytime! Our Team is here to support you 24/7. more
  • Maximize Profits: Analyze competitor prices, strategy performance to boost sales
  • Automate Competitor Monitoring: Track ANY competitor prices and availability
  • Automate Repricing Strategies: Optimize prices with customizable dynamic rules
  • Historical Pricing Charts and Order & Revenue Reports to maximize opportunities
  • Customizable Comparison Widget for your website to Empower Shoppers
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(60 Reviews)
$99-$499 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

Competitor Price Tracking, Dynamic Pricing & Automated...

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