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Apps by PriceMole

  • $99-$499 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
58 Reviews

Competitor Price Tracking, Dynamic Pricing & Automated Pricing

Dynamic pricing
Revenue reports
Automated pricing
Competitor price tracking
Historical analytics
Price comparison widget

Automated Competitor Price Monitoring and Customizable Repricing Strategies with Actionable Insights

PriceMole - the ultimate competitor price monitoring and price tracking solution for eCommerce. With automation, save hundreds of hours manually checking competitor prices. Boost profits +20% by optimizing prices at the right time and using historical analytics. Empower shopper's confidence with a competitor price comparison widget. PriceMole believes all data is yours - download at any time! We offer ALL INCLUSIVE Pricing, no hidden fees or add ons! Our Team is here to support you 24/7!

PriceMole - the ultimate competitor price monitoring and price tracking solution for eCommerce. With automation, save hundreds of hours manually checking competitor prices. Boost profits +20% by optimizing prices at the right time and using historical analytics. Empower shopper's confidence with a competitor price comparison widget. PriceMole believes all data is yours - download at any time! We offer ALL INCLUSIVE Pricing, no hidden fees or add ons! Our Team is here to support you 24/7! more
  • Maximize Profits: Analyze competitor prices, strategy performance to boost sales
  • Automate Competitor Monitoring: Track ANY competitor prices and availability
  • Automate Repricing Strategies: Optimize prices with customizable dynamic rules
  • Historical Pricing Charts and Order & Revenue Reports to maximize opportunities
  • Customizable Comparison Widget for your website to Empower Shoppers
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(58 Reviews)
$99-$499 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

Competitor Price Tracking, Dynamic Pricing & Automated...