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Apps by Nicolò Risotti

  • $18.99-$74.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

We calculate your COD numbers: rejection rate, profit & more

Real-time dashboard
Profit calculation
Cod order tracking
Accepted vs returned
Product-specific stats

See real revenue & profit with COD. See delivery rate for COD orders, divided by product.

Forget about endless Excel sheets and wasted hours counting the results cash on delivery orders! We read for you each tracking code and calculate how many COD orders have been accepted, how many returned and how many are still in transit. We do this separately for each product. We show you a new dashboard with the REAL REVENUE, profit and margin of your store, calculating the results of Cash on Delivery orders in real time.

Forget about endless Excel sheets and wasted hours counting the results cash on delivery orders! We read for you each tracking code and calculate how many COD orders have been accepted, how many returned and how many are still in transit. We do this separately for each product. We show you a new dashboard with the REAL REVENUE, profit and margin of your store, calculating the results of Cash on Delivery orders in real time. more
  • Know at any time the essential numbers of your business with COD
  • Save hours of work and stress: see all COD metrics immediately
  • See COD orders statistics by product, quantity and upsells
COD 101: COD Profit Calculator logo
$18.99-$74.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

We calculate your COD numbers: rejection rate, profit &...

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