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Boost trust and sales with Estimated Delivery Date & Timer. Show more
Merchants can enhance the shopping experience with AppRoom Estimated Delivery Day. This app allows stores to display EDD (Estimated Delivery Date) and ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) on product pages. It provides accurate EOD (End of Day) estimates, setting clear delivery expectations. The result? Fewer customer inquiries and a stronger trust bond between merchant and shopper.
Create visitor counter:Scarcity for urgency on product page Show more
AppRoom Visitor Counter Pro provides live visitor tracking to enhance store credibility and social proof. Ideal for Shopify merchants, it showcases visitor interest, fostering a dynamic shopping experience. Easy to integrate and theme-adaptable, this tool operates efficiently, offering insights for informed business planning. It's the essential aid for a vibrant storefront.
Custom Badges, Icons, Labels & Trust Badges for Product Page Show more
Elevate your Shopify store's visual appeal and build trust with custom banners, icons, label, and trust badges. Personalize your announcements with file attachments, custom icons, and flexible placements on product pages or any custom location. Enhance your store's credibility and drive sales with a variety of product labels, coupon codes, and promotional banners. Highlight product features and promotions to engage customers. Create special offers and display them with ease. Customize your store
Boost trust and sales with Estimated Delivery Date &...
Create visitor counter:Scarcity for urgency on product page...
Custom Badges, Icons, Labels & Trust Badges for Product...