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Apps by Listrak

Accelerate growth and dramatically increase revenue. Show more

Listrak: Email, SMS & Identity is a robust customer engagement platform tailored for Shopify Plus store owners. By integrating store data with Listrak, retailers can craft personalized, one-on-one interactions through email, SMS, and identity management, as well as utilize trigger-based solutions. This integration not only fuels accelerated growth but also significantly boosts revenue by enhancing customer engagement. The app offers real-time tracking of key metrics like conversion rates, browsing habits, and cart activities. Its direct real-time API sync ensures instant updates on customer, order, and product catalog changes. Additionally, Listrak facilitates the automatic generation of coupons for triggered campaigns and product recommendations. Users can also leverage the platform to send transactional emails and SMS messages, along with integrating real-time email subscription point updates.
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Real-time tracking
Transactional messages
Api sync
Automatic coupon generation
Subscription integration

Accelerate growth and revenue with unmatched Email, SMS, Identity, and Push orchestration.

Elevate your e-commerce marketing with the seamless integration between Listrak and Shopify. Combining Shopify store data with Listrak’s powerful customer engagement platform allows retailers to create personalized, 1:1 interactions across Email, SMS, Identity, and Push solutions that drive accelerated revenue growth and customer engagement.

Elevate your e-commerce marketing with the seamless integration between Listrak and Shopify. Combining Shopify store data with Listrak’s powerful customer engagement platform allows retailers to create personalized, 1:1 interactions across Email, SMS, Identity, and Push solutions that drive accelerated revenue growth and customer engagement. more
  • Real-time tracking: Conversion metrics, browse activity, cart activity, and more
  • Direct, real-time API sync: Consume customer, order and product catalog updates
  • Automated coupon generation and Product Recommendations across campaigns
  • Cross-channel AI-powered predictive segmentation and targeting
  • Real-time Email, SMS, and Push subscription integration + AI Identity Resolution
Listrak: Email, SMS & Identity logo
(22 Reviews)
  • Free Plan Available

Accelerate growth and dramatically increase revenue.

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