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Apps by Lionz GmbH

  • $9.99 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial
122 Reviews

Export products to Ebay, import orders, data sync Show more

eBay Sync LionzApps is an efficient and user-friendly tool that streamlines the process of managing your eCommerce business across eBay and Shopify. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly list your products on eBay and import orders to manage them directly from Shopify. The app allows you to import active eBay products to Shopify and link them to ensure your product data remains up to date, with no limitations on the number of products. You can export unlimited Shopify products to eBay, and synchronize your listings, including images, prices, stock, and titles, seamlessly. Additionally, the app offers the flexibility to manage diverse pricing structures on both platforms, simplifying your workload. Start using eBay Sync LionzApps to experience how easily it integrates your eCommerce operations.
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Export products
Import orders
Data sync
Unlimited listings
Price management

Sell your products, sync product data & orders. Manage everything seamlessly in your Shop

In just a few clicks, you can easily list your products on eBay, import orders and manage them. Import active eBay products to Shopify and/or link active eBay products to keep product data up to date. And all this is unlimited. Get started now and see for yourself how easy it is!

In just a few clicks, you can easily list your products on eBay, import orders and manage them. Import active eBay products to Shopify and/or link active eBay products to keep product data up to date. And all this is unlimited. Get started now and see for yourself how easy it is! more
  • Export UNLIMITED easily and quickly your Shopify products to eBay.
  • Import your Ebay orders UNLIMITED and manage them in Shopify.
  • Import UNLIMITED listings from eBay to Shopify images, price, stock, title
  • Synchronize your product data individually with eBay UNLIMITED.
  • Easily manage different prices on Shopify and Ebay in our app.
eBay Sync LionzApps logo
(122 Reviews)
$9.99 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial

Export products to Ebay, import orders, data sync

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