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Apps by Lightward

  • $12-$199 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial
498 Reviews

Flexible access control for the Online Store channel Show more

The Locksmith app is a powerful tool for managing access to content on your Online Store, designed with flexibility and creativity in mind. It allows you to "lock" any product or page, controlling who can view it and under what circumstances. These restrictions can be set using a variety of conditions, such as customer tags, email addresses, passcodes, secret links, and more, providing an extensive array of options to tailor access. Additionally, Locksmith supports hiding items like products, collections, and even prices, adding another layer of customization. For those with developer expertise, the app offers the ability to implement custom logic through Liquid or leverage its API for specialized functionality. With 24 access condition "keys" and growing, Locksmith enables precise control over customer experiences in your store, promoting both security and exclusivity. Whether you're looking to provide exclusive offers or manage content visibility based on geographical location or purchase history, Locksmith offers a robust solution.
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Hide prices
Hide products
Hide collections
Hide variant options
Hide pages
Reveal locked areas

Access control for the Online Store channel. Lock any content; grant access with passcodes and more.

Locksmith lets you control access to products, pages, collections, or your entire store in your Online Store channel. Add Locks to any piece of content to restrict access and/or hide it from view. Add Keys to locks: these are conditions under which a visitor gets access. These access conditions include customer account tags, email addresses, passcodes, secret links, geographic location, purchase history, date/time, and more. Combine keys as needed, and custom logic is also possible using Liquid.

Locksmith lets you control access to products, pages, collections, or your entire store in your Online Store channel. Add Locks to any piece of content to restrict access and/or hide it from view. Add Keys to locks: these are conditions under which a visitor gets access. These access conditions include customer account tags, email addresses, passcodes, secret links, geographic location, purchase history, date/time, and more. Combine keys as needed, and custom logic is also possible using Liquid. more
  • Hide products. Hide collections. Hide prices. Hide variant options. Hide pages.
  • Reveal locked areas based on customer tags, passcodes, customer location, etc.
  • We use simple concepts—locks and keys—so you can work easily and creatively.
  • Locksmith is developer friendly: use Liquid or our API for custom functionality.
  • Bot protection at checkout using our Checkout Validation feature
  • $16-$199 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial
172 Reviews

340+ Powerful workflow automations & full development platform Show more

Mechanic is a versatile workflow automation app designed for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, to optimize their Shopify operations. With over 350 pre-built automations, Mechanic allows you to streamline processes like email automation, file transfers, and API connections effortlessly. It serves as both a ready-to-use tool and a robust development platform, enabling the creation of custom functionality without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Powered by Liquid, Shopify’s native language, it seamlessly integrates into your existing Shopify setup. The app imposes no usage limits, encouraging users to install and tweak as many tasks as necessary to fit their business needs. For those who prefer not to create automations themselves, the app’s community of freelancers offers an accessible resource for personalized assistance or development. Mechanic efficiently replaces multiple apps and infrastructure, offering a comprehensive and flexible automation solution.
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Custom automations
Workflow automations
Api automation
Development platform
No usage limits
Pre-made tasks

345+ Premium workflow automations, integrations, and a complete development platform

From small businesses to Plus-sized enterprises, Mechanic offers workflow automations that are built to scale. Choose from hundreds of pre-made automations or use Mechanic as a development platform to create custom functionality on Shopify. Install as many tasks as you want, no usage limits here! Or go further by tweaking an existing task or creating new automations. Mechanic tasks are powered by Liquid, the language of Shopify. Automate the Shopify API all in a language you already know!

From small businesses to Plus-sized enterprises, Mechanic offers workflow automations that are built to scale. Choose from hundreds of pre-made automations or use Mechanic as a development platform to create custom functionality on Shopify. Install as many tasks as you want, no usage limits here! Or go further by tweaking an existing task or creating new automations. Mechanic tasks are powered by Liquid, the language of Shopify. Automate the Shopify API all in a language you already know! more
  • Automate processes and replace apps with 350+ pre-built automations.
  • Send email, Shopify API, Google Sheets & Drive, connect APIs, create files, FTP.
  • Automate using Liquid the language you already know.
  • A development platform that can replace custom apps and infrastructure.
  • No developer? No problem. Tap into Mechanic’s community of freelancers.
Locksmith logo
(498 Reviews)
$12-$199 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial

Flexible access control for the Online Store channel

Mechanic logo
(172 Reviews)
$16-$199 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial

340+ Powerful workflow automations & full development...

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