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Apps by Jesperahlbom.com

Enhance Shopify product pages with flexible, customizable content blocks.

Add flexible product page blocks to highlight key offers, improve order value and add to cart rate.

My Shopify customers wanted a more cost-effective way to improve their product pages without paying for custom solutions every time. So, I developed this Shopify app. The app adds flexible blocks to your product pages, helping you highlight key offers and information where customers are already shopping. No extra page views—just a smooth way to improve user experience and support better conversions.

My Shopify customers wanted a more cost-effective way to improve their product pages without paying for custom solutions every time. So, I developed this Shopify app. The app adds flexible blocks to your product pages, helping you highlight key offers and information where customers are already shopping. No extra page views—just a smooth way to improve user experience and support better conversions. more
  • Dynamic product blocks designed to highlight discounts, USPs and buying guides.
  • Easy setup with no coding required for seamless integration.
  • Free Custom CSS support to match your stores product page design.
  • Effective way to improve order value by showcasing discount savings incentives.
  • Works with all Shopify themes for a consistent design.
JAPPS ‑ Product Pack logo
$7.5 / Month

Enhance Shopify product pages with flexible, customizable...

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