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Quickly and easily verify students from all over the world Show more
Boost sales and build brand loyalty with student discounts. Students input their university email which our tool verifies using our universal database of institutions. Eligible students then receive an instant email link, granting them access to a unique discount code in one easy step. Set up discount settings to suit your needs and customise the discount page to fit seamlessly with your website. Risk-free with free unlimited student verifications and free installation and set up.
Save favorites, get alerts, and boost sales with Wishcraft. Show more
Wishlist lets browsers save products they're interested in, but are not ready to buy yet, keeping them engaged with the store between visits. The app helps customer retention and engagement - merchants can send reminders of saved products, or price drop alerts, to assist with sales. It also provides insights into customer and prospective customer behaviour. This can be used for email marketing, re-marketing, and tracking product trends. Stock alerts when wishlisted items become available.
Quickly and easily verify students from all over the world...
Save favorites, get alerts, and boost sales with Wishcraft....