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Piazza Castello n. 26, VATID IT09287730965, Milan, MI, 20121, IT
Website Privacy policy FAQCreate and manage your SMS marketing campaigns Show more
With YSMS you can manage your SMS campaigns and automations easily. Write the message, select the recipients and send or schedule the campaign or use automations like the abandoned cart. Measure the progress of the campaign, see exactly how many messages have been sent, analyze how many clicks there have been on the links and how many sales they produced. SMS campaign might seem expensive but it has a higher ROI and less creation time than mail.
Stores additional fields for customers using metafields Show more
Transform how you collect and manage customer information in your store. Collect VAT/Tax ID, birthdays, measurements, preferences or any additional data you need - all saved directly in native metafields. Let customers update their details through their account page and share information seamlessly with other apps. No external databases, no data lock-in. Keep full ownership of your data - uninstall anytime while retaining all customer information in your store. Perfect for personalising customer
Stores additional fields for customers using metafields