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Apps by Gaia Suite

Outil unifié PIM, DAM, OMS, WMS, TMS et Feedmanager Show more

Gaia Suite is an all-encompassing tool that seamlessly integrates PIM, DAM, OMS, WMS, TMS, and Feed Manager functionalities into one intuitive platform. Designed to enhance efficiency and simplify complexity, it allows teams to quickly master its features due to its modular nature. This all-in-one solution eliminates the need for complex deployments and multiple interconnections, ensuring smooth operations. With real-time business decision capabilities, Gaia Suite offers unmatched insights into stock levels, sales, and margins for optimal performance. The suite includes Omni-Catalogue for automated translations, geo-pricing, and merchandising, alongside Omni-Channels for efficient catalog feed management and Asia marketplace connections. Omni-Stock provides real-time stock data and multi-warehouse management, while Omni-Order centralizes omnichannel order processes, revolutionizing how businesses handle logistics and inventory management.
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Order management
Real-time insights
Warehouse management
Unified pim
Dam integration
Transport management

Gaia Suite regroupe au sein d’un même outil PIM, DAM, OMS, WMS, TMS & Feedmanager. Les points clés : - Outil intuitif et modulaire, rapidement pris en main par les équipes - Une solution tout-en-un qui ne requiert ni déploiement complexe ni interconnections multiples - Décisions business en temps réel (stock, ventes, marge) pour une performance optimale

Gaia Suite regroupe au sein d’un même outil PIM, DAM, OMS, WMS, TMS & Feedmanager. Les points clés : - Outil intuitif et modulaire, rapidement pris en main par les équipes - Une solution tout-en-un qui ne requiert ni déploiement complexe ni interconnections multiples - Décisions business en temps réel (stock, ventes, marge) pour une performance optimale more
  • Omni-Catalogue (PIM+DAM): traduction automatique, geo-pricing et merchandising
  • Omni-Channels (Feedmanager): flux catalogue, connexion aux marketplaces Asie
  • Omni-Stock (WMS) : stock en temps réel & gestion de multi-entrepôts
  • Omni-Order (OMS+TMS) : centralisation des commandes multi-canal
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Outil unifié PIM, DAM, OMS, WMS, TMS et Feedmanager

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