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5 Benham Road, Southampton, ENG, SO16 7QJ, GB

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Apps by Fresh Relevance

Personalize customer experiences with ease

Product recommendations
Data integration
Personalized web content
Behavior-triggered messages
Social proof tactics

Deliver revenue-boosting experiences across channels. Integrate eCom data with other platforms.

Fresh Relevance is a versatile personalization platform that helps commerce-driven businesses deliver revenue-boosting experiences across websites, site search, apps, emails, SMS and ads - no technical expertise required. The platform saves you time, boosts conversions and integrates with your tech stack.

Fresh Relevance is a versatile personalization platform that helps commerce-driven businesses deliver revenue-boosting experiences across websites, site search, apps, emails, SMS and ads - no technical expertise required. The platform saves you time, boosts conversions and integrates with your tech stack. more
  • Reduce bounce rate with web & app content that’s tailored to each shopper
  • Send emails and SMS that are triggered by the shopper’s behavior
  • Increase revenue with product recommendations based on the shopper’s intests
  • Drive conversions and engagement through social proof tactics
  • Connect siloed data across your martech stack for rich customer profiles
Fresh Relevance logo
  • Free Plan Available

Personalize customer experiences with ease