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Apps by Ez tech

We Deliver With Pride Show more

AHLogistic (AHL) is a transformative app designed to streamline and automate your logistics processes, starting with the generation of consignment numbers. Unlike conventional methods, AHL not only simplifies this essential task but seamlessly integrates it into the broader scope of order fulfillment, swiftly updating the status as items are dispatched. Say goodbye to the cumbersome manual handling of courier invoices; with AHL, bulk invoice generation is just a click away, propelling you into the convenience of automation. Additionally, the app provides an efficient platform for tracking your orders, ensuring you stay informed every step of the way. Designed to enhance productivity and reduce administrative burdens, AHLogistic is your comprehensive solution for modern-day logistics challenges. Experience the efficiency and ease of use as AHL redefines how you manage consignment and fulfillment operations.
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Order tracking
Order fulfillment
Consignment generation
Courier invoice

Spending a lot of time to fulfill each order manually? This problem is solved now! With our app

Consignment number generation & order fulfillment: Expedite your process. In AHLogistic app consignment number generation is not a single feature it will give you one step ahead. CN generation will lead you to the order fulfillment and change the fulfillment status into fulfilled. Courier invoice: Free from hassle. Before this app, you manually get the courier invoice. Welcome to the automation era. You can generate the bulk AHLogistic invoice in our application with the single click.

Consignment number generation & order fulfillment: Expedite your process. In AHLogistic app consignment number generation is not a single feature it will give you one step ahead. CN generation will lead you to the order fulfillment and change the fulfillment status into fulfilled. Courier invoice: Free from hassle. Before this app, you manually get the courier invoice. Welcome to the automation era. You can generate the bulk AHLogistic invoice in our application with the single click. more
  • Consignment number generation & order fulfillment
  • Download courier invoice
  • Track your order
AHL Courier (PVT) LTD. logo
  • Free Plan Available

We Deliver With Pride

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