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Apps by Ergo Offers, Inc.

  • $199.99-$999.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
6 Reviews

Add a button for customers to make a pricing offer Show more

Ergo ‑ Offer Tool & Analytics is a versatile app designed to maximize the potential of your Shopify store by diverging from traditional discounting strategies. By incorporating the 'Make an Offer' button on selected products, you empower customers to propose their own price, offering a more interactive and personalized shopping experience. With complete control over which offers to accept or reject, you maintain flexibility and protect your profit margins. Each transaction through ergo provides valuable customer data, helping you understand buyer behavior and preferences. This data-driven approach enables the discovery of optimal pricing strategies and product value assessment. Ergo not only enhances customer engagement but also arms you with strategic insights for growing your business effectively.
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Make an offer
Accept/reject offers
Pricing insights

Add ergo and empower your customers to propose pricing offers. Offer something more.

Unlock the potential of your Shopify store with the ergo app! Instead of discounting products, add the ‘Make an Offer’ ergo button to selected products and allow customers to propose their best pricing offer. With ergo, you control what offers you accept, unlock customer data with every purchase and find the optimal value for your products.

Unlock the potential of your Shopify store with the ergo app! Instead of discounting products, add the ‘Make an Offer’ ergo button to selected products and allow customers to propose their best pricing offer. With ergo, you control what offers you accept, unlock customer data with every purchase and find the optimal value for your products. more
  • Add a Make an Offer button to your products
  • Accept and reject offers on your own terms
  • Discover strategic pricing insights
ergo ‑ Offer Tool & Analytics logo
(6 Reviews)
$199.99-$999.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Add a button for customers to make a pricing offer

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