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SEO-Safe GEO-Blocking of Human Visitors Show more
Based on the visitors IP and user agent this app can either redirect visitors from one or more countries to an external URL or simply show a message to them. You can easily select which one and set your own URL or custom message. As a very important feature in this GEO blocking app automatically exclude search engine crawlers from the IP blocking to ensure that they can still crawl your website. This is very important to avoid any harm to your search engine indexing and visibility.
Live Product Shopping Feed Show more
With the 1-Click Shopping Feed you get a Real Time Live Product Feed of all your product. It is instantly updated when you make changes to your products. No more delays from scheduled feed updates. Just install and activate the app and you are set to go. The Shopping Feed is delivered in XML-format and support multi-currency. Get help and free support by chat and e-mail.
SMS marketing app for the European market Show more
Elevate your sales with SMS Europe. Manage all your SMS marketing campaigns in compliance with European technical and legal (GDPR) requirements. SMS Europe connects you directly with European teleoperators to give you net prices. Write and preview the message, filter by country, purchase history, spend or SMS consent. Send your SMS campaign to all, a partial test group or schedule your campaigns. Measure campaign results - clicks, sales, revenue and ROI
SEO-Safe GEO-Blocking of Human Visitors