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Apps by Efforia Inc

"Efforia: Transform purchases into insightful, revenue-generating self-experiments."

Transform purchases into clinical-trials, empowering your customers to prove impact and drive sales.

Efforia’s Shopify integration seamlessly links your store with a system for creating scientifically valid studies. Customer purchases become revenue generating self-experiments that generate clinical trial-quality insights. Run academic quality studies, provide personalized results to customers, and drive revenue with data-backed outcomes—turning every transaction into an opportunity for both discovery and growth.

Efforia’s Shopify integration seamlessly links your store with a system for creating scientifically valid studies. Customer purchases become revenue generating self-experiments that generate clinical trial-quality insights. Run academic quality studies, provide personalized results to customers, and drive revenue with data-backed outcomes—turning every transaction into an opportunity for both discovery and growth. more
  • Sync product details to run studies seamlessly with customers.
  • Upsell customers to clinical trials from their purchases at checkout.
  • Manage orders in studies for timely delivery and scientifically valid outcomes.
Efforia Reimagining Evidence logo
$15 / Month

"Efforia: Transform purchases into insightful, revenue-generating...

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