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[email protected]

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1250 Borregas Avenue, #170, Sunnyvale, CA, 94089, US

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Apps by Colligso

Connect, Engage & Grow

Dashboard reports
Text messaging
Hashtag campaigns
Customer groups
Mms messaging

Grow your business by engaging with customers directly using text (SMS)/ picture (MMS) messaging.

Colligso enables businesses to grow profits by helping them to multiply customer visits using direct digital relationships. TextIn helps businesses to engage directly with customers using text messaging (SMS/ MMS).

Colligso enables businesses to grow profits by helping them to multiply customer visits using direct digital relationships. TextIn helps businesses to engage directly with customers using text messaging (SMS/ MMS). more
  • Reach customers using text/ picture messaging. Drive traffic from messages.
  • Create your own customer groups with #hashtag campaigns.
  • Check engagement activities on Dashboard 24/7/365 and in weekly reports.
Colligso TextIn logo
$9 / Month

Connect, Engage & Grow

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