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Map out store locator, stockist on Google maps, mapbox or OSM Show more
CBmap Store Locator & Stockist will help you manage multiple store locations on one page of the Shopify website. Our App gives you a simple way to add store addresses that will be conveniently displayed and organized according to your personal preferences. You can import your store locations in just a few clicks from CSV or Google Sheet and display them stylishly with thumbnails, contact details, navigation directions, and other relevant information. The app supports SEO on Google/Mapbox
Wholesale Signup, Account Approval & Verification Form builder Show more
Maximize your store's potential with CB-Advanced Form Builder Pro. Create professional forms for surveys, registrations, and applications. Validate fields, manage data easily, and enable customers to edit their information. Take control of your forms today!
Map out store locator, stockist on Google maps, mapbox or...
Wholesale Signup, Account Approval & Verification Form...