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Apps by BabelPeak

  • $65-$325 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
1 Reviews

Accurate Size Suggestions Show more

YouFit is an innovative AI-powered app designed to enhance your online shopping experience by offering accurate size suggestions. By utilizing photos to obtain precise body measurements, YouFit removes the uncertainty in selecting the right size, ensuring customers find the perfect fit with ease. The app provides access to an extensive database of more than 25,000 size tables from over 4,000 brands, making it a versatile tool for diverse fashion needs. Its user-friendly interface guarantees a seamless and hassle-free experience for all users. Whether you're shopping from the comfort of your home or on the go, YouFit is your reliable solution for accurate and confident buying decisions. Say goodbye to size-related shopping mishaps and hello to perfectly fitted styles with YouFit!
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User-friendly interface
Ai size recommendations
Photo-based measurements
Extensive size tables

Get to know your customers and say Bye Bye to returns with AI powered size suggestion

Enhance your online shopping experience with YouFit, an AI-powered size suggestion tool that provides size recommendations. YouFit eliminates the guesswork in finding the size by using photos to obtain precise body measurements, ensuring customers select the perfect fit every time.

Enhance your online shopping experience with YouFit, an AI-powered size suggestion tool that provides size recommendations. YouFit eliminates the guesswork in finding the size by using photos to obtain precise body measurements, ensuring customers select the perfect fit every time. more
  • AI-powered size recommendations from photos
  • Access to more than 25K Size tables from over 4k brands
  • User-friendly, easy-to-use interface
YouFit ‑ AI Size Suggestions logo
(1 Reviews)
$65-$325 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Accurate Size Suggestions

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