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Apps by AXERTY

Create a COD only shipping method Show more

Gringa COD - Cash on Delivery is a user-friendly app designed to enhance your store's checkout process by integrating a seamless Cash on Delivery (COD) payment option. With just two clicks, you can easily restrict COD payments to specific shipping options, ensuring only the appropriate choices are available to your customers. The app also provides a dedicated COD form on the product page, simplifying the process for users to input their delivery information. By allowing you to limit COD to paid shipping options, Gringa COD ensures this payment method is used effectively and securely. Its simple integration with existing store checkouts provides an excellent user experience, making it a valuable tool for any e-commerce store looking to offer flexible payment solutions.
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Seamless checkout integration
Restrict cod shipping
Add cod form

Implement Cash on delivery on your store and allow for faster checkouts.

With Gringa COD you will be able to make it easier for users to add Delivery information by adding a dedicated Cash On Delivery form on the product page.. Also you are able to restrict which shipping options allow Cash on delivery as a payment in 2 clicks. This app is extremely easy to use and seamlessly integrates with your store's checkout and storefront to give your user an excellent experience.

With Gringa COD you will be able to make it easier for users to add Delivery information by adding a dedicated Cash On Delivery form on the product page.. Also you are able to restrict which shipping options allow Cash on delivery as a payment in 2 clicks. This app is extremely easy to use and seamlessly integrates with your store's checkout and storefront to give your user an excellent experience. more
  • Set up a faster way to submit Cash on delivery orders
  • Create custom discounts for cash on delivery orders
  • Enable COD only when the correct shipping option is selected
Gringa COD ‑ Cash on Delivery logo
$9.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Create a COD only shipping method

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