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Show secure checkout & payments badges. Fast setup! 2.0 app Show more
Summary of key features Fast - will not slow down your site Multiple instances - even with different badges A few clicks - Quick and clear installation Multiple designs Compatible for mobile devices Over 300 badges Wide range of customization (colors, styles, sizes) No code entered or to know Built for 2.0 themes This allows you to change badges and texts in your theme's customization settings. It also allows you to create multiple instances with different settings and different
Block Countries, IP, VPNs, Bots and prevent content Copy
Summary of key features Fast - will not slow down your site A few clicks - Quick and clear installation Visitors Statistics - Find out who and from where is visiting your website Country block - block the countries you want Country redirect - redirect the users where you want based on country Banned IP list Block dangerous bot, VPN, Proxy and blacklisted IP in a few clicks Prevent theft of your content - images, videos and texts Prevent users from selecting your content Customizable design
Show secure checkout & payments badges. Fast setup!...
Block Countries, IP, VPNs, Bots and prevent content Copy