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Apps by AltText.ai

  • $5-$59 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
87 Reviews

Automatic SEO optimized alt text using AI + your product data Show more

AltText.ai is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of generating alt text for product and blog images in online stores. By harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence, it crafts accurate and SEO-optimized alt text that enhances SEO performance and elevates store accessibility. The app operates automatically, applying its intelligent algorithms whenever a product is created, updated, or even when existing images require a bulk update. AltText.ai reduces the tedious task of manual alt text writing by using relevant keywords from your product data, such as product names, brands, and descriptions, to create natural-sounding descriptions. Additionally, users can customize settings to have control over alt text inclusion and extend this functionality to collection images and images linked in product descriptions. With AltText.ai, optimize your store's image alt text with ease and efficiency.
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Customizable settings
Ai integration
Bulk updates
Automatic alt text
Collection image support

Boost SEO + improve accessibility (ADA, EAA, WCAG) with AI-generated Alt Text.

AltText.ai makes alt text easy by automatically generating accurate and SEO-optimized alt text for product and blog images in your store. We combine the power of AI with your product data to produce natural-sounding descriptions that boost your SEO and improve your store’s accessibility. AltText.ai runs every time you create or update a product, and can even bulk update existing images. Say goodbye to manual alt text writing with AltText.ai.

AltText.ai makes alt text easy by automatically generating accurate and SEO-optimized alt text for product and blog images in your store. We combine the power of AI with your product data to produce natural-sounding descriptions that boost your SEO and improve your store’s accessibility. AltText.ai runs every time you create or update a product, and can even bulk update existing images. Say goodbye to manual alt text writing with AltText.ai. more
  • Works automatically on each product image you create or update.
  • Bulk update all/any of your existing products or blog images at once.
  • Uses keywords from your product name, brand, and description in the alt text.
  • Fully customizable settings to control when alt text is added.
  • Works on metafield images, collection images, & images in product descriptions!
ATAI ‑ AltText.ai AI Alt Text logo
(87 Reviews)
$5-$59 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Automatic SEO optimized alt text using AI + your product...

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