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Apps by Affiracle Technologies LTD

Add an affiliate program to your store in a matter of minutes. Show more

Affiracle Affiliate Marketing is your comprehensive solution for transforming your online store's affiliate marketing strategy. Designed to effortlessly connect you with a vast global network of affiliates, this app empowers you to manage and track promotions with ease. With Affiracle, break free from geographical limitations and optimize your campaigns using real-time insights to boost sales. The app allows you to create your own affiliate program, complete with a personalized affiliate portal. You can customize commissions globally or tailor them to specific categories, products, or individual affiliates, providing flexibility and control. Experience a new era of affiliate marketing with Affiracle and achieve success on a global scale.
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Affiliate portal
Real-time reports
Custom commissions

Easily create an affiliate program and connect with a network of affiliates and influencers.

Introducing Affiracle: Your Ultimate Global Affiliate Marketing Solution. Effortlessly manage, track, and supercharge your online store's promotion to a vast network of affiliates worldwide. Break free from geographical constraints, optimize campaigns, and amplify sales with real-time insights. Experience the evolution of affiliate marketing with Affiracle and redefine success on a global scale.

Introducing Affiracle: Your Ultimate Global Affiliate Marketing Solution. Effortlessly manage, track, and supercharge your online store's promotion to a vast network of affiliates worldwide. Break free from geographical constraints, optimize campaigns, and amplify sales with real-time insights. Experience the evolution of affiliate marketing with Affiracle and redefine success on a global scale. more
  • Create your own affiliate program with your own affiliates portal
  • Real-time reports for sales and clicks from your affiliates.
  • Create global commissions or set them based on category, product, or affiliate.
Affiracle Affiliate Marketing logo
  • Free Plan Available

Add an affiliate program to your store in a matter of minutes....

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