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228 Park Ave S, New York, NY, 64019, US

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Apps by AddGlow, Inc.

  • Free Plan Available
2 Reviews

Showcase community content and reward your most active members

Automatic linking
Redeem points
Showcase content
Reward members
Host challenges
Display posts

Connect your AddGlow community with your storefront. Engagement based loyalty points & rewards.

AddGlow allows brands to create communities to engage with and develop a deeper understanding of their customers. The app integration bridges the gap between brand communities and their e-commerce store presence. Brands can show off content from their customers on their storefront and give discounts to their most engaged customers. Community members can add their top products to their shelf, and brands can host challenges to increase onsite engagement.

AddGlow allows brands to create communities to engage with and develop a deeper understanding of their customers. The app integration bridges the gap between brand communities and their e-commerce store presence. Brands can show off content from their customers on their storefront and give discounts to their most engaged customers. Community members can add their top products to their shelf, and brands can host challenges to increase onsite engagement. more
  • Widget for displaying the newest community posts on your storefront
  • Enable customers to redeem loyalty points for a Shopify discount code
  • Automatically link your AddGlow community to your storefront
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(2 Reviews)
  • Free Plan Available

Showcase community content and reward your most active members...

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