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ORCA 行銷數據洞察平台,能夠協助品牌將累積之會員數據,進行消費行為相關分析。 Show more
As an e-commerce operator, are you facing rising ad costs, declining traffic, relying solely on loyalty cards, or planning marketing by intuition? In the big data era, precise segmentation is essential. ORCA analyzes customer behavior, building LRFM models and segments. It calculates key metrics and finds the best product bundling, high-value customers, and conversion opportunities. Combined with ORCA MA+, use first-party data for personalized marketing, delivering timely, relevant content.
ORCA 行銷數據洞察平台,能夠協助品牌將累積之會員數據,進行消費行為相關分析。...