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Apps by 杭州量子星空科技有限公司

  • Free Plan Available
4 Reviews

A convenient and efficient dropShipping system Show more

Mate is a versatile app designed to streamline business operations by enhancing customer and order management efficiency. Tailored for various industries, it focuses on rapid order processing and logistics coordination to improve overall business performance. By reducing operational costs and optimizing the supply chain, Mate ensures seamless synchronization of sales orders and shipment management. The app simplifies product publishing on Shopify, allowing businesses to maintain an updated digital storefront effortlessly. Additionally, it facilitates quick communication with suppliers regarding procurement prices, ensuring timely and cost-effective sourcing. Mate is your go-to solution for elevating business efficiency and meeting diverse industry management needs.
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Order synchronization
Product publishing
Shipment management
Price communication


Committed to achieving precise customer and order management, rapid order processing, and logistics coordination, improving business efficiency, reducing costs, and meeting the needs of different industries for efficient management

Committed to achieving precise customer and order management, rapid order processing, and logistics coordination, improving business efficiency, reducing costs, and meeting the needs of different industries for efficient management more
  • Quickly publish products on Shopify
  • Synchronization of sales orders and shipment management
  • Quickly communicate procurement prices with suppliers
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(4 Reviews)
  • Free Plan Available

A convenient and efficient dropShipping system

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