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Customer reviews: Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards

Develop by smile.io

Reviews (547)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards receives generally positive feedback from merchants who appreciate its straightforward setup and the positive impact on customer engagement and retention. Many praise the ease of integration and the effectiveness of the loyalty program in increasing customer interaction and revenue.

Key Strengths

  • Easy and quick integration and setup
  • Excellent and responsive customer support
  • Impressive range of features and flexibility
  • Effective in increasing customer engagement and loyalty
  • Availability of a functional free plan

Common Concerns

  • Higher pricing, especially for advanced features
  • Some limitations in fraud prevention and social media sharing
  • Integration challenges on certain platforms (e.g., BigCommerce)
  • Lack of control in managing customer accounts

Final Thoughts

Overall, Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards is well-received for its robust functionality and strong customer support, making it a favored app among merchants looking to enhance customer loyalty. However, some pricing and technical limitations may require consideration for those with specific needs. Merchants commending easy setup and effective customer service suggest it is a valuable tool for building and managing a loyalty program.


Oct 08, 2016  on Bigcommerce

This is one amazing app - The only problem was caused by BigCommerce videos referring to an old admin format. It said go 'there' but 'there' had moved...lol TIP: If you are using Chrome and the Sweettooth WebDAV password can't be copied just 'inspect element' and paste it to wordpad to copy the password.


Oct 07, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great app. Easy to install and review. - The step-by-step tutorials made it easy and enabled me to do things I had been trying to do without instruction from other services. Thank you Sweet Tooth.


Oct 04, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Cant see the app pop up on my web - It is an interesting app, but it doesn't work well. Not sure why...


Sep 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

So far so good - What you receive for not paying anything is great. The platoform is user friendly and easy to manage. I would recommend. I would also recommend to allow the option of giving points for reviews for the free version as well.

Marcia Cross

Sep 28, 2016  on Bigcommerce

The Best Rewards Program - I absolutely love this app. I was about to install s loyalty when I found sweet tooth and found that it has way more to offer. Super easy to install and simply fabulous!

Regan Mitchell

Sep 27, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Very Easy To Set Up - So far it was very easy to set up. Videos were helpful. I haven't used it long enough to see results, but will update my rating when I do. However, I like the reward setting when I shop, so I hope others will use the one on my site.


Sep 27, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App and Program - This is a great that keeps customers coming back. Easy to use and understand.


Sep 27, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Looking Good! - So far, it's been easy to install and configure. I'm looking forward to rewarding my customers! www.punkmybabe.com.au


Sep 26, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Good so far - I recently installed the Sweet Tooth app and am liking it so far! I'm still using the free plan and wish it was a little more customizable, but it works. I think the app can definitely help grow my business!


Sep 23, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Happy with So far - So far I love the App it is going to allow me to do what I have always wanted to do for my customers.


Sep 23, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Missing info. - I give it 2 stars because it shows the old BC set up on how to add the link to the store settings..

Stochastic Elegance

Sep 17, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Still waiting to see where this goes! - I installed this program and so far so good seems interesting enough and have inspired me to start a campaign around it. Still in the planning process so it will require a little more time with them to see how it will effect sales. Got a good feeling and I am looking anxious to see how it will benefit my store later on.


Sep 13, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Sweet Tooth is sweet! - I am excited to see how many customers have signed up for Sweet Tooth on my site! I was injured and not doing business but customers jumped right on the bandwagon and signed up so now that I am actually filling orders again, they will be able to take advantage of their Sweet Tooth reward program :) I am really very optimistic just to see the interest!


Sep 13, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App - Low maintenance - It's a set it and forget app that keeps customers coming back to the site. No issues!


Sep 07, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App!! - Brilliant little app, has really helped drive sales and customers seem to love the idea, decent interface but would like to be able to rank customers by points etc


Sep 01, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Easy to install - App was so easy to install and edit. It took me less than 10mins to have it live!Now I'm waiting for all of my new clients and sales to come flying in :)

Big Rock Goat Farm

Aug 31, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Happy with the program - We've been using the app for 2 months now and are slowly gaining traction with it. We've had a couple customers already redeem points. I wish it would integrate with Square but otherwise love it.


Aug 31, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App - Not super easy to install, but well worth the extra couple minutes. Works exactly as advertised :)


Aug 27, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Ecommerce owner - Great add on to our ever expanding online store. Hopefully keeps driving repeat sales and new customers.

Timothy Benman

Aug 27, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Awesome App! - I installed the app very easily and it works great. People are using our loyalty program all the time. Also, they have a really nice support team for any issues.

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